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What people are saying about Kochi

Overall rating

(55 reviews)

Excellent trip! Definitely worth the money! Thanks for letting me join this tour. I enjoyed every minute on the boat and the provided lunch was stunning, too! Guide and driver were really kind and professional 😃 I hope everyone gets to see the beauty of Kerala around Kochi ☺️

The activity was great and well organized. Transport was by air-conditioned car, small group of people. The guides were extremely kind and welcoming. Lunch was delicious. The walk on the backwaters was very relaxing and pleasant, despite the heat.

Great experience of backwaters in one day, the guide was very friendly and full of information with nice lunch to finnish of the tour!

The trip was fantastic, highly recommended. Maybe it’s better in two to split the expenses of Taxi and Boat.

It was a lot of fun and the surroundings are extremely worth seeing!