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What people are saying about Haifa

Overall rating

(242 reviews)

Our trip was cut short due to the war being declared on Oct 7. We saw the beautiful Church of the Annunciation before having to return to our ship. The guide was informative and his pace was good. Would recommend this company to others. Hope to return one day again to see the beautiful country and the people.

The tour guide Aviva was amazing. She explained everything about Israel and guided us safely throughout the day. We love you Aviva 🙂🙏☺️🙏

Yoav is excellent! He told us everything, he was funny and was cared about us! Keep the good job Yoav! Your friends from Greece!

Long day but we’ll worth it as I learnt so much about the history of Israel and the Jewish people

Although it was a but rushed, overall it was a good way to see a lot in a short period.