Curacao: Electric Scooter South-East Tour Adventure
Our accredited tour guide will take you to the iconic "Love Seat" which is our first stop. From this location you will get a birds eye view of the beautiful waters of Carcasbaai and the complete peninsula. From there we ride along side the local restaurants and ship yard sitting on the Caracasbaai Beach. Your guide will explain along the way what you are seeing. Up next is Forth Beekenburg, park your E-Scooters at the bottom of the Fort and your tour guide will guide you up the stairs and give you history and the chance to see some of the most spectacular views the island has to offer. Tug Boat Beach, is the third stop and one of the most popular dive spots and dog shelter on the island. One of the reason is because of a ship wreck laying only a few meters below the sea which is filled with corals and beautiful marine life. Not far from the tug oat beach is The Quarantine House. Most people only associate the name "quarantine " with the mandatory restriction as we know it recently. But this historical structure was used back in the 18 century for people with contagious deceases. Last but not least, you'll get up close to the water front at Directeursbaai, another breathtaking view and amazing beach for snorkeling, diving and recreational fishing. After this stop, we'll turn around and head back to our starting point.