Khor Virap, Garni Temple, Geghard, Echmiadzin, Zvartnots
Visit the unique places included in this tour – the most famous & UNESCO listed places in Armenia: Khor Virap Monastery, Garni temple, Geghard Monastery, Echmiadzin Cathedral and Zvartnots Temple with Jan Armenia Tours & Travel company! Khor Virap – Armenian monastery, built in 642, translated from Armenian means “deep hole”. Khor Virap is one of the shrines of the Armenian Apostolic Church, a place of pilgrimage. Azat Reservoir (1050 m above sea level) is located in Ararat province. Here you will have a photo-stop. Geghard Monastery is one of the greatest medieval architectural structures in Armenia. Geghard is completely hollowed out in a cave, it is also called a “cave monastery”. This monastery was founded in the 4th century AD. in place of the sacred spring, originating in the cave. The name of the monastery complex Geghard (spear) comes from the Langin’n spear, which pierced the body of Jesus Christ on the cross. At the moment this spear is kept in the museum of Etchmiadzin. The monastery complex Geghard is included in UNESCO World Heritage List. “Symphony of Stones” is a natural monument and protected by law. This is one of the must-see places of Armenia. The pagan temple of Garni was built in the second half of the 1st century by King Trdat III. This is the only pagan temple, which has been preserved on the territory of Armenia. After the adoption of Christianity it became the summer residence of Khosrovadukht, sister of King Trdat III. Charent's Arch or Arch of Charents is a monument and tourist attraction erected in 1957 and dedicated to the Armenian poet Yeghishe Charents. Here you will have a photo-stop. Saint Hripsime Churchwas founded in the 7th century by Catholicos Komitas I Aghtsetsi in the place of a sepulcher of Saint Hripsime. Since 2000 Saint Hripsime Temple has been included in UNESCO World Heritage List. Echmiadzin Mother Cathedral was founded in the IV century BC, whose name means “place of the descent of the Only Begotten.” A feature of the Cathedral is that in addition to the main altar in the eastern part, there is another altar in the middle, at the site of the descent of Christ. In the right-hand boundary of the Etchmiadzin Cathedral there is the Treasury Museum, where are kept relics, church clothes, embroidered with gold and pearls, catholicos’ staffs and crosses, numerous ritual objects made of gold, silver and ivory. St. Gayane Church was built in honor of St. Gayane in the VII century on the place of IV century chapel, which is one of the best monuments of Armenian architecture. The relics of Saint Gayane are kept in the southern wall of the temple, next to the altar niche. Тhe magnificent Zvartnots Temple, which mean “Temple of Vigil Forces”, was built in the VII century. The temple was built for 20 years. Unfortunately, Zvartnots was destroyed by a powerful earthquake in the XX century and only its ruins remained. But even the ruins of this temple give us an idea of its rare and majestic beauty.