Key West's Classic Windjammer Day Sail
Sails flying in the wind, you leave behind the Historic Seaport and head out to the Atlantic. Soon there is wind in your hair and the warm, tropical salt air kisses your face. Take in the view as the schooner navigates her way past Key West’s Harbor, Mallory Square, the Navy Mole, Sunset Key and historic Fort Zachary Taylor. Quench your thirst with complimentary homemade sangria, boutique wine, frosty cold premium beers, soft drinks and water. Now we're also featuring cocktails in our all-inclusive price. Sails up with a Schooner Appledore signature Bloody Mary or Dark & Stormy. Request your own favorite cocktail from our treasure chest of top-shelf brands. While there is abundant marine life under the water, there is also plenty to see on the water's surface or circling in the blue sky above you. A pod of dolphins may surface or you might spot a turtle floating by. Perhaps an osprey will plummet down to the water to catch its lunch or a pelican will make a splash landing near the vessel.