Mixing ancient traditions and exciting modern festivities, New Year’s Eve in Tokyo offers something for every type of traveler, whether you’re seeking parties or a unique, zen traditional ritual. Culture seekers can participate in the Joya no Kane bell-ringing ceremony at Sensō-ji Temple, while party enthusiasts can join the electric crowds at Shibuya Crossing. From rooftop festivities in Roppongi to fireworks at Tokyo Disneyland, here’s how to spend New Year’s Eve in Tokyo with celebrations that capture the city’s unique energy.Everything you need to know about New Year’s Eve in TokyoNew Year’s Eve fireworksTokyo’s fireworks are smaller in scale than those of other major cities, and you’ll need to go to Tokyo Disneyland, Yokosuka, or Yokohama to see them.Best free New Year’s Eve activityJoining a traditional Joya no Kane bell-ringing ceremony at local temples like Senso-ji.Average temperatureFrom 37 F to 47 F (3 C to 8 C)What to avoid on New Year’s Eve Avoid major train stations, especially shortly after midnight, as they can get crowded.