GetYourGuide Report on Child Labor Due Diligence in Supply Chain for Business Year 2023

This report (‘the report’) has been prepared to comply with the newly applicable due diligence and reporting obligations concerning potential child labor risks as required by Art. 964j-l of the Swiss Code of Obligations (‘CO’) and the Swiss Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency in Relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labour (‘DDTrO’). It covers the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023 (‘the reporting period’) and concerns the group-wide activities of the GetYourGuide group, which consists of the holding company GetYourGuide AG, Switzerland, and its subsidiaries in several countries (including Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, UAE, the UK, and the US). The report was prepared by GetYourGuide’s Legal Department with input from FP&A, Group Reporting, and the Quality & Safety Team. In accordance with Article 964l para. 1 CO, the report has been acknowledged by the Board of Directors of GetYourGuide AG.


Throughout the reporting period, GetYourGuide conducted due diligence to identify and assess potential child labor in accordance with newly applicable Swiss legal requirements.  


GetYourGuide remains committed to constantly improving its processes in line with evolving expectations and lessons learned. 

Supply Chain Policy

GetYourGuide’s zero tolerance for child labor is clearly stated in the Terms & Conditions governing supplier contracts, which potential suppliers (ie, companies/guides offering their tours on the GYG platform) must agree to at the point of registration on our platform. These Terms & Conditions refer to GetYourGuide’s Responsible Tourism Guidelines, which reaffirm GetYourGuide’s zero tolerance for child labor.

Any allegation of a breach of these Terms & Conditions due to an instance of suspicion of child labor is escalated to GetYourGuide’s Quality & Safety Team, see Reporting and Resolution. 

Risk Assessment

GetYourGuide carried out due diligence to identify and assess any potential child labor risks in its own operations and in its value chain, including by reference to UNICEF’s Children’s Rights in the Workplace Index as of June 2023 (‘UNICEF Index 2023’).

Own operations: GetYourGuide offices are located in several countries, some of which are classified by the UNICEF Index 2023 as enhanced risk locations (USA, UAE and Hong Kong). GetYourGuide’s HR processes are centralized in Germany. GetYourGuide requests the provision of personal identification during the hiring process to prevent unlawful employment of minors in the workforce. Our workforce is largely composed of professionally qualified personnel subject to policies, procedures, and training

Value Chain: GetYourGuide is committed to identify and assess any potential risks linked to child labor that could be connected to our value chain. In this regard, the due diligence was primarily focused on the practices of GetYourGuide’s suppliers. These suppliers offer services in many countries around the world, including in countries that are classified by the UNICEF Index 2023 as enhanced risk locations. Suppliers are contractually bound to adhere to GetYourGuide’s zero tolerance for child labor (above, Section ‘Supply Chain Policy’). Further, Business Processing Outsourcing (“BPO”) contracts for outsourced customer service teams include specifications regarding working conditions. In the course of its due diligence efforts during the reporting period, GetYourGuide has not become aware of any severe allegations of child labor associated with any of our suppliers through any of its reporting channels (see below, Section ‘Reporting and Resolution’) GetYourGuide remains vigilant and committed to constantly identifying and assessing (and if necessary address) any potential risks of child labor. 

Reporting and Resolution

The channels available to report an allegation of child labor to GetYourGuide include, in particular, the following:

  • Customer complaint to customer care agent

  • Customer review left for an activity

  • Destination manager

  • Whistleblowing tip-off

Any reports received are handled by the Quality & Safety Team, documented, and escalated as necessary. Incidents involving suspicions of child labor are taken very seriously and necessitate the involvement of the Quality & Safety Team, the Destination Manager, and the Safety Committee for resolution. The Safety Committee includes members from the Quality & Safety Team, a Director/Regional Manager, and a Senior Legal Team representative. Additional stakeholders, such as external experts, may be involved as required.


The practice of due diligence is constantly evolving and has developed during GetYourGuide’s reporting year. Accordingly, the statements made in this report may contain certain simplifications. All statements are made to the best of the knowledge of the functions involved. GetYourGuide accepts no liability for any accidental errors in this report.