Bremer Canyon Orca Experience from Bremer Bay
Join The Pod and meet the Orca of Bremer Bay with Whale Watch Western Australia. Join Australia's Multi - Award Winning WA family owned and operated Orca Experience aboard our purpose built $4.5M 25 meter luxury Whale Watch Open Ocean Cruiser designed for speed to the sighting grounds, just 19 nautical mile off the coastline in comfort, style, luxury & minimal travel time as you discover the remarkable Bremer Bay Orca. Over the last 9 years our family has spent more time in the Bremer Canyon than anyone, our family aboard on every tour, consisting of over 6500 of hours of observation and genuine research, guaranteeing you the knowledge and education you expect from a dedicated, elite team. Our passionate and experienced team will take you through a moment by moment interpretation of the behaviours you will witness, the intelligence & hunting techniques of the Orca you meet and you will be educated by our scientists and our research team onboard. Your professional photographer for the day will be taking images of the wildlife you meet which can be downloaded free from The Daily Whale at the end of your tour to share with family and friends.