Waterford Treasures: Walking Tour of the Viking Triangle
Step back in time and explore Irish history from the Viking to the Victorian era on this family-friendly walking tour of the Viking Triangle in Waterford. Follow your guide through this ancient Irish city and learn about the treasures of Waterford. See parts of the medieval urban defense system like Reginald’s Tower. Discover the 13th-century Greyfriars Friary, the 13th-century Choristers Hall and the 15th-century Mayor's Wine Vault. View where the Anglican bishops of Waterford used to reside at the Bishop’s Palace. Gain insight into Ireland’s colorful past and learn of the invasions, battles, and victories which shaped the country today. Admire archaeological treasures from centuries passed. Listen to stories told in an engaging way, making them popular choice with kids. Trace Ireland’s architecture through the generations on a tour that is offered multiple times throughout the day.