FP3B - Hobbiton, Rotorua, Waiotapu & Taupo and Waitomo.
Choose FlexiToursNZ for a premium tour. We put less seats in our vehicles than factory standard and only 3 seats in the back row. Pay a little more to be comfortable. This tour involves a lot of driving and is more enjoyable if you are comfortable and not crushed up against other people on the vehicle. We keep the groups small with no more than 12 people on our vehicle, meaning our drivers can and will, give you, personal service
Check out our reviews to see what customers say about us, our vehicles and our team of experienced and enthusiastic drivers.
All meals provided on the tour are prepared in a professional kitchen and are normally served in a restaurant or café. Very occasionally Meals may be served picnic style
This tour includes.
- Return transport to Auckland or finish in Rotorua
- Admission tickets to Hobbiton, Waitomo Caves, Te Puia and Waiotapu
- 2 nights' accommodation in 3 -4 star hotel with breakfast
- Mitai Cultural evening with dinner.
Day 1 - Hobbiton, Te Puia with lunch and Mitai with dinner
Day 2 - Waiotapu and Taupo
Day 3 - Polynesian Spa morning and return to Auckland via Waitomo Caves in the afternoon.
The order of the activities may be changed for operational reasons, but everything listed will happen over the 3-day period