Timisoara: Dream Tour in Fabric Neighborhood
"All good things come from Fabric" - a saying which describes a good life of people from this neighborhood, where some marvelous palaces decorated in Art Nouveau - Secession style were built, we will walk through it starting from Decebal bridge, the entrance gate in Fabric. We'll hear some interesting stories about the how life was at the end of XIXth century, how people spent thier free time and how they lived here. Then we'll admire the interesting buildings, in Romanilor square, where lies the statue of Ioan Nepomuk, in face of the impressive building of Milenium ctholic cathedral. Well take a look and admire New Fabric Synagogue, Colterm Old Building, Shakespear High School Building located near Romanilor Square. Then we'll follow the main artery, 3 August 1919 street with some interesting buildings located there. Interesting stories about the important manufactures and plants located in Fabric will be presented. We'll arrive in the Traian square, a marvelous architecture rezervation, with beautiful buildings like Stefania palace, Mirbach palace, Hermes palace, Nenadovics House, Nagele Palace, Saint George Serbian Church. We'll end our tour by taking a short tea coffee break in this beautiful place or near Traian square.